Museum Council


Museum Council

The Museum Council at the Archaeological and Historical Museum in Stargard was established in accordance with Resolution No. XVI/165/99 of the City Council in Stargard dated November 30, 1999. In accordance with Resolution No. IX/78/2024 of the City Council in Stargard dated November 26, 2024, regarding the appointment of the Museum Council at the Museum in Stargard, the Museum Council was appointed with the following members:

Ryszard Baloń
Agnieszka Dawicka
Joanna Hamera-Szczerba
Maciej Iwańkowicz
Stanisław Michałowski
Robert Pawlak
Andrzej Pułaski - Chairman of the Museum Council
Waldemar Sadoch
Jerzy Waliszewski
Jan Zenkner

Regulations of the Museum Council at the Archaeological and Historical Museum in Stargard:

Based on the Act of November 21, 1996, on museums (Journal of Laws No. 5, item 25 of 1997, Article 11, Section 8), the Museum Council of the Archaeological and Historical Museum in Stargard establishes the Regulations of the Museum Council.

1. The Regulations of the Museum Council in Stargard Szczeciński, hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations," define the working procedures of the Museum Council.
2. The Museum Council holds meetings at least once per quarter.
3. The quorum for voting on important decisions is set at 50% of the current composition of the Museum Council plus one person.
4. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Museum Council, the Council members elect a person from among themselves to chair the meeting.
5. Meetings may be convened at the request of the Chairman of the Museum Council.
In exceptional cases, upon request of:
- The Chairman of the City Council
- The Director of the Museum
- Members of the Museum Council (at least 2 persons)
6. Meetings are recorded in minutes by the Secretary of the Museum Council.
7. Each member of the Council has the right to submit comments to the minutes.
8. The minutes of the meetings are signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Museum Council.
9. The minutes and other documentation are collected and stored by the Secretary of the Museum Council.