Night of Museum

Night of Museum

The first Museum Night was organized in 1997 by Berlin's museums. The initiative was quickly adopted by museums in other countries, reaching Poland in 2003 thanks to the National Museum in Poznań. Since 2006, the European Museum Night has been organized under the auspices of the Council of Europe, with UNESCO and ICOM taking patronage in 2009.

Museum Night is a spontaneous event. Each institution prepares its own program for the occasion, striving to present itself in the best light and attract as many people as possible. For many, it is an opportunity to make a mark in the local community. Therefore, this attractive form of presentation has been embraced by other institutions. Today, in addition to museums and galleries, archives, libraries, theaters, and operas, cultural centers, as well as government and local government institutions, widely open their doors. Museum Night also activates social and local government portals, which aim to provide the best possible information about all events. Museum Night is not only about visiting museum exhibitions in a nighttime, atmospheric setting. Today, it is primarily dozens of events – workshops for children and adults, lectures, film and multimedia screenings, picnics, reenactments, and performances. Museum Night shows how attractive a museum can be and how much it has to offer visitors.


In Stargard, Museum Night has been held since 2011, and since 2014, it takes place in two locations: the main building at the Old Town Market and at the Bastei. The event is always thematically linked to the current temporary exhibition, which sets the atmosphere and serves as the main theme for that year.

Entrance and participation in activities during the Stargard Museum Night are always free of charge.

We invite you!

Archiwum Nocy Muzeów

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