European Heritage Days

European Heritage Days

European Heritage Days is the largest social and educational project in Europe, the most important celebration of cultural monuments on the Old Continent. The idea was born on October 3, 1985, in Granada, Spain, during the 2nd Conference of the Council of Europe, where the French Minister of Culture proposed organizing the European Heritage Days across Europe, an initiative that began in France in 1984. For the first time, sites that were previously inaccessible were made available for free to visitors. The initiative was so well-received that in 1991, it inspired the Council of Europe to establish the European Heritage Days.

The main goal of the European Heritage Days is to promote regional cultural heritage and remind people of the common roots of European culture. The events are aimed at a wide and diverse audience, giving them a universal dimension. It is initiatives like this that attract new supporters to the idea of EHD, making it the most important cultural event on the Old Continent. With each passing year, events organized as part of EHD gain more popularity.

All member states of the Council of Europe, including Poland, which joined the initiative in 1993, participate in the European Heritage Days. Every year in September, organizers open up monuments and cultural sites for the public to visit, prepare festivals, fairs, outdoor events, reenactments, knight tournaments, exhibitions, scientific lectures, contests, meetings with cultural creators, and many other events of diverse character aimed at different social and age groups. This gives the citizens of participating countries an excellent opportunity to discover the cultural heritage of the region they live in.

We invite you to join us!

In Stargard, the European Heritage Days (EHD) have been celebrated for many years. The history of the Museum's participation in the EHD celebrations is as follows:

XVI EDD 2008: "Korzenie tradycji" XVII EDD 2009: "Zabytkom na odsiecz!" XVIII EDD 2010: "Od pomysłu do przemysłu" XIX EDD 2011: "Kamienie milowe" XX EDD 2012: "Tajemnice codzienności" XXI EDD 2013 "Nie od razu Polskę zbudowano" XXII EDD 2014 "Dziedzictwo - źródło tożsamości" XXIII EDD 2015 "Utracone dziedzictwo" XXIV EDD 2016 "Gdzie duch spotyka się z przestrzenią. Świątynie, arcydzieła pomniki" XXV EDD 2017 "Krajobraz dziedzictwa. Dziedzictwo krajobrazu" XXVI EDD 2018 „Niepodległa dla wszystkich” XXVII EDD 2019 „Sploty pamięci” XXVIII EDD 2020 „Korowód pokoleń” XXIX EDD 2021 „Skarbiec pamięci” XXX EDD 2022 „Po nich dziedziczymy” XXXI EDD 2023 „Przestrzenie dziedzictwa” XXXII EDD 2024 „Szlaki. Sieci. Połączenia”

Informational Brochure of the European Heritage Days