Numismatic Collections

Zbiory numizmatyczne

Numismatic Collections

In 2022, the MAH acquired a collection of Pomeranian numismatics, including Stargard coins, dating from the end of the 12th to the 19th century. Among them are bracteates, denarii, firkins, wittenes, szerfs, groschen, half-groschen, double schillings, half-thalers, thalers, and half-gulden coins. These coins were purchased for the museum collection with the financial support of the City of Stargard. This is the third-largest collection in Western Pomerania (after the collections of the Szczecin and Koszalin museums).

A significant portion of the Stargard Museum's coin collection consists of objects issued by the National Bank of Poland since 1949, which are directly transferred by the NBP. Among them are both circulation coins and collector's items.

Another important group includes banknotes issued during the economic crisis as substitute money in the 1920s.

Also an extremely valuable element of the collection are camp coins from World War I.